Podcast series for tax leaders: Short podcasts addressing some of the most pressing issues and opportunities facing tax departments in the modern business world

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Global M&A and restructuring in a post-COVID world
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Stuart Fuller, Global Head of Legal Services, KPMG International, Arco Verhulst, Global Head of Deal Advisory, M&A Tax, KPMG International and Leif Zierz, Global Head of Deal Advisory, KPMG International look at how global M&A activity has been affected as a result of COVID-19, what tax leaders should have in mind to be best positioned to execute deals in the current environment, as well as steps companies should consider if faced with restructuring or insolvency decisions.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
A Transfer Pricing Perspective - Navigating through challenging times
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Today we discuss Transfer Pricing Policy, the challenges leaders’ have faced and the practical solutions businesses are using to manage through and beyond COVID-19.

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Financial services in the post-pandemic world
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
In this episode, Joe Hargrove, Head of Global Financial Services Tax, KPMG International, and Tax Regional Managing Partner, Marketing Services, KPMG in the US, and Jennifer Sponzilli, Principal, International Tax, KPMG in the US, discuss the continued business and tax impacts of COVID-19 and the challenges and opportunities emerging in the financial services space as leaders navigate the current environment and plan for what lies ahead.

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Looking ahead: The COVID-19 impacts on the Asset Management industry
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Andrew Weir, Global Head, Asset Management, KPMG International and Regional Senior Partner and Vice Chairman, KPMG China; and David Neuenhaus, Global Head, Asset Management Tax, KPMG International, and Partner, KPMG in the US share their insights on the impact that COVID-19 is having on the Asset Management industry, at the investor, fund, and portfolio company level, as well as the overall impact on current investment trends, financial opportunities and what to anticipate moving forward.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Revised Posted Workers Directive and its impact on Global Mobility
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Daida Hadzic, Director, KPMG Meijburg in the Netherlands and Head of Quality, EMA Region for Global Mobility Services discusses the impact of the revised Posted Worker Directive and its impact on global mobility amid COVID-19.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Managing tax compliance and technology through and beyond COVID-19
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Sean Bloodwell, Global Head of Compliance Management Services, KPMG International and Partner, KPMG in the US, and Brad Brown, Global Head of Tax Technology, KPMG International, and Partner, KPMG in the US discuss some practical solutions businesses are using to manage tax compliance and the important lessons to be learned around automation and technology tools that can support compliance processes today and into the future.

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Part 2: The future of the global workforce post-COVID-19
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Marc Burrows, Head of Global Mobility Services, KPMG International, and Partner, KPMG in the UK, Michelle Berners-Price, EMA Head of Business Travel Services, KPMG in the UK, and Ray Rackham, Global Head of Immigration, HSBC, discuss some of the current global mobility challenges and what lies ahead for business travel and immigration in a post-COVID-19 world.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Part 1: The future of the global workforce post-COVID-19
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
In this episode, Marc Burrows, Head of Global Mobility Services, KPMG International, and Partner, KPMG in the UK, Michelle Berners-Price, EMA Head of Business Travel Services, KPMG in the UK, and Ray Rackham, Global Head of Immigration, HSBC, share their insights on how the current situation has impacted the movement of people globally, and what this means for the future of immigration policy, businesses travel, and the global workforce.

Tuesday May 19, 2020
COVID-19 and Global Mobility: Protecting your staff and business today
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Murray Sarelius, Partner, National Head of People Services from KPMG China, Jill Hemphill, Partner from KPMG in the US, and Alex Ma, Senior Associate, from SF Lawyers in association with KPMG Law, in Hong Kong (SAR), discuss the impact of COVID-19 on global workforces and how to protect your business and your staff during this unprecedented time.

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Global trade and supply chain considerations - Navigating through challenging times
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Doug Zuvich, Head of Global Trade & Customs, KPMG International, and Partner, KPMG in the US and Tim Sarson, EMEA Head of Value Chain Management and Partner, KPMG in the UK, share their insights on the global impact of COVID-19 on supply chain planning and value chain management before the global pandemic, during the current situation and what this space could look like in a post COVID-19 era.